Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Happy New year from Romania!

We are happy to end a wondreful year, full of nice memories and new frindships. Wish you all a happy new year, dear friends!

Monday, 9 December 2013

Children's Rights- Winning drawings from Turkiye!

"The Children In this project know their rights and they are together and stronger!"
 Melih Sayit 4-C Beşeylül İlkokulu

"We are happier now, because we know our rights thanks to ESRA!"
Şevval Sözer 4-B Beşeylül İlkokulu

"Our rights are our future and our happiness!"
Yavuz Erdoğdu 4-C Beşeylül İlkokulu

"The children of ESRA know their rights!"
 Ahmet Durgut 4-A Beşeylül İlkokulu

Children's Rights - winning drawings from Romania

Ema Luncian 7B Emil Isac School, 'The Path...'

Lidia Luncian 7B Emil Isac School, 'Children's Rights'

After the gig in Baeza

Swedish students line up for a picture...

Dancing in Lupion

Dinner-time in Lupion.

Giving feels better than receiving

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

EU and Children's Rights

Here we have a short movie of our latest activities, related to the EU and Children's rights. 
We enjoyed them a lot and we are looking forward to hearing about the activities you
 have done in your schools.


Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Children Right's Day - 20th November

Did you know that 20 November is the International day dedicated to Children's Rights? Do you mark this day in your school? Since our project is concerned with this topic, we have learnt and discussed about it and we will mark this event in our school these days. Pictures are coming soon! :)

Tuesday, 22 October 2013


We are looking fordward your next visit to Spain. This is one of the places you are going to see. 

Enjoy it!

Monday, 21 October 2013


Sunday, 20 October 2013

Friday, 18 October 2013

The School Around the Garden

As we all did such a great job with the Euro-gardens, we decided to share our ideas with others as well. Here is our booklet, The School Around the Garden, which can be used as a teaching material or as a source of inspiration by teachers, students or anyone interested in gardening or making his/her school nicer :) Hope you'll enjoy it and you will start creating your own gardens! :)


Sunday, 6 October 2013

Let's start glogging!

· Glogster is a Web 2.0 tool that allows users to create virtual posters combining linked or embedded text, video, images, and music. Glogster can be used in educational settings as an alternative to traditional poster presentations, that is, a digital outlet that makes learning more fun!

· Glogs are kind of posters, but they are far better, because…they allow you to use text, images, photographs, videos, cool backgrounds, hyperlinks, etc…

· It allows users to publish and promote their work, share their creations, and collaborate with others,

 How it works…

Step 1. Go to www.glogster.com. You can choose glogster edu or you can use the classic glogster.com, by clicking go to glogster.com


 Step 2.  You can sign in by creating a new account or by using your facebook account:

 Step 3. Start glogging!!! You can choose among many templates, wallpapers, graphics, images or you can upload your own videos, photos, etc…or you can edit one of the hundreds of ready-made topic based glogs

Enjoy it!!!


Friday, 4 October 2013

Let's do it!

This autumn, for the third time, we joined the national clean up action. We are happy that our town became  cleaner with our help. What about you? Have you got this kind of actions in your town?

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

European Day of Languages

Last week we marked the European Day of Languages. On this ocasion we made some glogs about the languages spoken by our partners, and we also learned some useful expressions. Hope we will practice them soon together :) You can check them on these links:




Saturday, 28 September 2013

Travel plans

The Swedish group will fly from Stockholm November 10th, and return the 16th. 

Friday, 27 September 2013

Plant a tree for peace!

This week our ESRA volunteers took part on the international programme 'Plant a Tree  for Peace', organized by LEAF International and ENO, joining lots of students from all around the world, who joined forces by planting trees for a sustainable future.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Happy new schoolyear! :)

We wish you all a happy new schoolyear! We are looking forward to our future project activities and our next meetings!

Greetings from 'Emil Isac' School!!!

Saturday, 29 June 2013



El día que recibimos las semillas de nuestros socios nos pusimos rápidamente manos a la obra.

The very same day we received our partners seeds we planted them!!!!


                Como no tenemos un lugar adecuado para nuestro Eurogarden, estamos utilizando maceteros. Todos los alumnos de nuestro colegio estamos trabajando con mucho esfuerzo.

                We don’t have a proper space to set our eurogarden, so we are doing that in pots. All the students in our school are working  hard.