Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Happy New year from Romania!

We are happy to end a wondreful year, full of nice memories and new frindships. Wish you all a happy new year, dear friends!

Monday, 9 December 2013

Children's Rights- Winning drawings from Turkiye!

"The Children In this project know their rights and they are together and stronger!"
 Melih Sayit 4-C Beşeylül İlkokulu

"We are happier now, because we know our rights thanks to ESRA!"
Şevval Sözer 4-B Beşeylül İlkokulu

"Our rights are our future and our happiness!"
Yavuz Erdoğdu 4-C Beşeylül İlkokulu

"The children of ESRA know their rights!"
 Ahmet Durgut 4-A Beşeylül İlkokulu

Children's Rights - winning drawings from Romania

Ema Luncian 7B Emil Isac School, 'The Path...'

Lidia Luncian 7B Emil Isac School, 'Children's Rights'

After the gig in Baeza

Swedish students line up for a picture...

Dancing in Lupion

Dinner-time in Lupion.

Giving feels better than receiving

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

EU and Children's Rights

Here we have a short movie of our latest activities, related to the EU and Children's rights. 
We enjoyed them a lot and we are looking forward to hearing about the activities you
 have done in your schools.