Pansies (viola tricolor)
One of the typical flowers from our garden is the pansy, its Latin name being Viola witrokiana. This plant has green leaves and it can be of different colour, like: white, blue, purple and yellow. It grows especially in sunny landscapes, in sandy soil. Well, if you want to grow a pansy, you should:
- water it every day, when it’s hot even 2 or 3 times
- change it’s soil once a year
- take out the weeds from all around the plant
The importance of pansies:
- they are used in medicine for different treatments, like: epilepsy, asthma…
- they are also used like a decorative flower
Adriana Trif and Andreea Chichisan 7A
Zinnia (Zinnia elegans)
It must be watered regularly, but not very often. It doesn’t tolerate frost.
It is an annual flower, used for ornamental purposes only.
Rock flower (Portulaca grandiflora)
The rock flower grows from seeds in March; the seeds can be put directly in the garden or in the patchwork.
It is an annual plant. It prefers sandy soils, dry without large quantities of fertilizer. It prefers rare watering, with small quantities of water; it needs a bright sunny space, and high temperature.
During hot days put small quantities of water to the flower root, once every 3-5 days.
It is an ornamental flower
Lidia and Ema Luncian, 6B
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